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Iwata: New Nintendo console not on the way just yet, third parties doing well in the US

Posted on January 30, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii

“I think it is true that new information penetrates through the Japanese market very quickly and that Japanese people tend to get tired of something new very quickly. It is also true that the population is smaller when compared with that of other major markets, so it is inevitable that the market starts to feel saturated earlier than others. I don’t think any hardware can enjoy eternal life. Someday, we’ll need a new platform for sure, and of course, Nintendo is always preparing for that. However, now that our customer base has expanded this drastically, we do not think it’s appropriate to conclude that past platform lifecycle theory can or should be applied to the current generation.” – Satoru Iwata

“Third party titles sold more [in the U.S.] on Nintendo hardware than on any other platform for two consecutive months. As the hardware expands the installed bases, we are starting to see a cycle where more titles from the third parties are making the million-seller list.” – Satoru Iwata

It would be rather silly for Nintendo to release a new console at this point, but that’s just stating the obvious. I can actually see the Wii remaining on the market for quite some time.

Source 1, Source 2

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