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Fractured Soul finally dated, priced

Posted on August 29, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

After months of waiting, Fractured Soul’s release date is now set in stone. Endgame Studio confirmed to Joystiq that the game will be available on the eShop on September 13 for $11.99.

This may seem pricier compared to other releases on the store, but managing director Grant Davies says that it’s “less than half of the retail price” when it was originally scheduled to arrive on store shelves. The price was determined so that Endgame wouldn’t “end up completely broke.”

Other commentary from Davies concerns Nintendo’s new policy to place games on the eShop on the same day they hit retail:

“The more quality products you can find in the eShop the better. Gamers need to be confident that when they go to the eShop, they’re getting a quality offering. That’s one of the problems that something like the App Store has.” (With things like New Super Mario Bros. 2 on the service, people will be) more willing to engage with eShop and check out what’s on there.”


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