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Adelman shares another comment on his departure from Nintendo – eShop “in good hands”

Posted on August 4, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, General Nintendo, News, Wii U eShop

Dan Adelman has issued his own personal response about leaving Nintendo on a website he launched today.

Adelman was the founder of Nintendo of America’s digital distribution business and remained with the company for nine years. Today, however, Adelman revealed he left the company last week and is creating his own business to help smaller developers in various ways.

In any case, here’s what Adelman had to say about Nintendo – in which he also states that the eShop “is in good hands”:

I’m often viewed as the main person behind Nintendo’s indie strategy and that without me, there would be no indie push by Nintendo. Although that may have been the case in the early days, in recent years the business has grown, and more and more groups have been established to take up the mantle. While my core team of awesome folks (shout out to Scott, Luke, and Shannon!) and I did everything from handle the operations to the marketing to reaching out to new developers, in the last few years whole new teams of people responsible for each of those areas have been formed. People at Nintendo don’t need to be reminded that indie games are important. They play them every day. In fact, one of the reasons I decided to leave was that there were fewer and fewer new battles to wage. Everyone was getting on the same page and starting to work together like a well-oiled machine. What fun is getting into an argument if the other person already agrees with you?


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