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Affordable Space Adventures to cost $20

Posted on March 19, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

Affordable Space Adventures now has a price point. The game will cost $19.99 / €18.99 / £16.99, KnapNok Games has confirmed.

Regarding Affordable Space Adventure’s price, KnapNok Games CEO Dajana Dimovska said:

Setting a price has been tricky for us. There is a lot of great games on the eShop selling for around $15, but they are either ports from other platforms, or games that could be easily ported to other platforms at a later date. Affordable Space Adventures is uniquely designed specifically for the Wii U system and the GamePad, we have to earn all our revenue in the eShop.

There is such a great community surrounding the Wii U and people are super excited whenever a good game is coming to the platform; I am sure that people are willing to pay a few extra bucks to get a game that has been tailor made for the hardware.

We are pretty certain that this game will not see a price drop or a discount at least until after the summer. We totally understand that some people have a limited budget for games. If these people are willing to wait and buy the game in the fall, to save some dollars, we are cool with that. I just can’t promise anything about when or how much. The only thing I can promise is that the game will stay full price during this spring and summer.

Affordable Space Adventures launches on April 9 on the Wii U eShop.


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