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Analyst: Nintendo may pursue dual product strategy with next console

Posted on September 23, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“Although a price cut is expected in the short term for the Wii, there will likely remain considerable scope for additional price cuts which will help extend the shelf life of the console well beyond what Nintendo has historically achieved with its TV consoles. This price cutting potential [of Wii] will likely be realised over at least three years and quite possibly longer obviating the need for an early introduction of a new console. However, Nintendo may elect to move to a dual product strategy with overlapping TV consoles (as Sony does) targeting different demographic and geographic markets. If it does go down that route then 2011 would appear a reasonable target for a new platform launch.” – games industry analyst Nick Gibson from Games Investor Consulting

Earlier this week, Square Enix’s president offered his thoughts about a new Wii, predicting that the system would arrive in 2011. So, that particular year seems to be the general opinion of when the next console will launch. But if Nintendo elects to follow a dual product strategy, the Wii will not disappear. There would be a situation in place similar to that of the PS2/PS3.


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