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AO Tennis 2 trailer introduces content editor

Posted on December 19, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos

Bigben and Big Ant Studios have shared the latest video for AO Tennis 2 showcasing the game’s content editor. Players will have an extensive range of customization options at their disposal to create unique content including players, stadiums and scenarios.

Here’s some additional information about the content editor:

You’ll be able to customize the look of your player down to the smallest detail with a variety of options: height, face, apparel and even a logo. Users can also share their creations online and cross-platform support means that users can access all community-created content, regardless of what console they’re playing on. From 9 January, this will include all existing creations from the first AO Tennis game.

We’ve included today’s new video below.

Source: Bigben PR

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