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Aonuma officially confirms 60 FPS in 3D mode for Zelda: Link to the Past 3DS sequel

Posted on June 5, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Podcast Stories

Zelda’s first original outing on the 3DS will run at 60 frames-per-secondd in both 2D and 3D.

In an interview with EDGE, Eiji Aonuma said that implementing 60 FPS as opposed to 30 FPS helps to maintain the 3D effect.

He said:

“The game runs at 60FPS, while all the 3D games up till now have run at 30fps. The faster the framerate, the more stable the 3D effect, so 60FPS is a big deal.”

Aonuma also mentioned that players won’t be forced to play in 3D if this is something they aren’t interested in:

“Well, there are players who don’t like 3D and always keep it switched off, so there’s nothing in the game that absolutely requires 3D, like puzzles that can’t be solved without it.”


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