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Aonuma: Skyward Sword will have new elements, larger fields/dungeons, some gameplay elements are being re-imagined

Posted on July 22, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

We’ve previously heard that the structure of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will be a bit different this time around compared to past games in the series. In other words, the traditional flow of moving from the field to dungeons won’t be as clearly defined. Skyward Sword producer Eiji Aonuma elaborated on this point in an interview with the Official Nintendo Magazine, but shared other interesting details with the magazine.

“It’s hard, obviously, to introduce major changes into the Zelda gameplay, and one of the reasons for that is that we have some traditional elements that we have protected and continued throughout the series. You have a field, you have dungeons, and there is a line across which area you are in, and which style of gameplay you are participating in. So what we’ve tried to do with Skyward Sword is to introduce some new elements. This time there are larger fields and dungeons that don’t really feel like dungeons or fields, but also incorporate some of those elements. We are re-imagining some of the traditional gameplay elements.”

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