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Aonuma wants to change Zelda formula, getting tired of it, doing tests for Wii U Zelda

Posted on July 14, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii U

Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma and the rest of his team attempted to change up the series’ classic standards with Skyward Sword. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to get the results they desired.

Aonuma seems more dead set on mixing things up with the first original Zelda for Wii U. He personally is pushing for change, as he’s “getting tired” of the formula.

The brand new Zelda title appears to be in the testing stages currently. Aonuma told the Los Angeles Times that the team is “exploring our options” and “still seeing what we can do.”

It’s not that anyone is telling me we have to change the formula. I want to change it. I’m kind of getting tired of it. If I’m getting tired of it, then I’m sure other people are getting tired of it. There is an essential ‘Zelda’ I feel we need to stay true to. We are still testing things, exploring our options. We haven’t landed anywhere at this point. We’re still seeing what we can do.

What I want to do, not specifically with Link but with the ‘Zelda’ franchise, I’m always striving to make something no one else can, something that is so distinctly ‘Zelda’ that it can only be done in a ‘Zelda’ game. There are times when I hit walls and I can’t come up with new ideas and I think maybe I should just give up and quit, but eventually a new idea comes along and I’m proud of myself. It breeds new life into the creative process. I go through these phases, over and over again. I hope those high points keep on coming.

One element that will probably remain unchanged is the lack of voice acting. Aonuma feels that adding voices is unlikely to happen.

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