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Indie developer Teku Studios created a new Kickstarter last week for its brand new project Candle, a game described as “a dynamic graphic adventure” and a mix between graphic adventure and platformer styles.

In the span of just seven days, the team was able to raise $10,000 of the $40,000 goal. Nintendo fans may want to take part in the Kickstarter, as it will be guaranteed for Wii U if the $85,000 stretch goal is reached.

Candle’s Kickstarter ends on August 16. 21 days remain to fully fund the project – and hopefully the Wii U stretch goal will be met as well.

You can find out more about Candle by visiting the official Kickstarter page here.


Just after we brought you the news earlier today regarding Bike Rider DX’s overseas release, Spicysoft confirmed the title’s release date. It will in fact be available next week in North America and Canada for $5.99. A European release will follow on August 15 for €5.99 / £5.99.

According to Spicysoft, this information “has already been checked and confirmed by Nintendo, and the release date
is 99.9% fixed.”

If you’re interested in learning more about Flipnote Studio 3D, you may want to check out the official European website. It’s jam-packed with information and screenshots.

Nintendo has also reconfirmed that Flipnote Studio 3D will be hitting the European 3DS eShop on August 1. The application is due out sometime next month in North America as well.

Despite requests from fans, Call of Duty: Black Ops II DLC never came to Wii U. Activision, however, could be changing its ways for the next Call of Duty release on Nintendo’s console, based on a new retailer listing.

GameStop indicates that all of Ghosts’ pre-order DLC being made available on other consoles is also planned for Wii U. You’ll apparently receive the Free Fall Dynamic map as well as a themed personalization pack for use in Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

There are two probable scenarios here: either the Wii U will in fact be receiving these pre-order bonuses, or GameStop has made some kind of mistake. I’m personally a bit skeptical due to the inclusion of the personalization pack, but we’ll try to nail down a concrete answer.

Thanks to Malvingt2 for the tip.

Last year, Spicysoft released a new platform action title on the Japanese 3DS eShop known as “Chariso DX”. This was originally a project developed for smartphones in Japan – stemming from the popular “Chariso” series, which has surpassed 20 million downloads in total.

Spicysoft has now confirmed to us that Chariso DX will be making its way to the North American and European 3DS eShops as “Bike Rider DX”.

Here’s a useful overview that the company passed along:

The player travels many stages set in several places around the world, dodging obstacles, collecting coins and trying to reach the goal. There is also a bunch of hidden bonus stages and an endless mode where a random endless stage is created, and the player can test his skills and race for a highscore.

The gameplay in the localized version will not differ from the original, so you should get a pretty good impression of what the game is like – a platform action game with really simple controls but challenging stages, fun to play and easy to understand for basically everyone.

Localization for Bike Rider DX is more or less finished. A release is planned for the summer, and you’ll probably be seeing it “sooner than later”. Spicysoft also promises that the game “won’t be too expensive.”


Kirby’s Dream Land 2 may be hitting the North American 3DS eShop next week. According to a listing on the digital store, it’s due out on August 1. Pricing is set at $3.99.

Keep in mind that Nintendo’s listings aren’t always final. Sometimes they’re reliable, sometimes they’re not!


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