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Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials update out now (version 1.1.17), patch notes

Posted on February 13, 2021 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Dangen Entertainment and Unspeakable Pixels have quietly been updating Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials. The action-adventure puzzle game, which came out towards the end of 2020, received various improvements, adjustments, and fixes.

The most recent update for Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials dropped a few days ago. Dangen Entertainment was kind enough to share the patch notes for version 1.1.17 as well as other updates released thus far. You can find them in full below.

Brightness Prompt
When starting a new game players will now be prompted to set their brightness setting. This should be helpful for getting players started on the right track for the environment they play the game in, and serves to foreground the fact that a brightness setting exists in Video Settings.

Increased Ambient Lighting Assist
There is now an additional assist in the game to further increase visibility, for players who continue to struggle with it regardless of the brightness setting.

Minimap Size Toggle

Zoom in/out on Map Menu

Fast Travel UI Improvement

Resolution Settings

Speedrun Timer
Now that some people have started routing some parts of the game, it’s about time we add an in-game timer! It can be enabled in Game Settings.

Dialog Skip Option

Bigger Dialog Option

Dyslexia-Friendly Font Option

1.1.5 Patch Notes:
– Added a couple checkpoints to Darkcross between some dense rooms.
– Fixed “Read” being displayed instead of “Inspect” for some interaction prompts.
– Some small English grammar fixes.
– Prevented a glitchy 1-pixel line from appearing under the top HUD bar in certain resolutions.
– Fixed a room border icon in the map that wasn’t showing a connection it should in Polyandrium.
– Added a checkpoint after a particularly difficult secret room in a chain of secret rooms.
– Made a route in Mournsalt more visible/recognizable.
– Ogres now become “aware” after being attacked in the back.

1.1.11 Patch Notes:
– Brightness prompt added to the game when starting a new save, allowing players to set their brightness, and call attention to the fact that setting can be changed at any time.
– Added an Increased Ambient Light assist, to further assist with visibility for those struggling with that aspect.
– Minimap size toggle input binding.
– Zoom map in map menu input binding.
– Added Game Settings option for Dyslexia-Friendly font, for English and Spanish.
– Added Game Settings option for Bigger Dialog Text.
– Added Game Settings option for Speedrun Timer.
– Added Game Settings option for Speedrun Dialog Mode.
– Increased the max level for the main character in the game by 5 additional levels (these 5 levels will be very difficult to achieve without using the XP-related assist).
– Reduced “level” of several bosses to prevent getting lots of XP from them when you’re already significantly over-leveled.
– Added a checkpoint before a particular late game boss that was missing one.
– Added a Confirm input icon to Item and Upgrade pickup menus.
– Moved second throw tutorial text to be a bit more foregrounded in the room it appears in.
– Darker backdrop for confirmation popups, and prevent displaying selection indicator on pause screen while a confirmation popup is open to prevent confusion of where your current highlight is.
– Fixed invisible platforms during a late game boss.
– Fixed some visual bugs in one of the endings.
– Fixed being able to jump into a small hole in Mournsalt that should only be for throwing things into.
– Fixed one of the Ending achievements not unlocking in some cases.
– Fixed being able to lock yourself behind a door in a late game room.
– Fixed many Soul Eaters displaying as ‘open’ when coming back to a room where they’ve already been completed.
– Fixed a dialog flow bug when meeting Twigs.
– Fixed input visual for D-Pad Up on Switch controllers.
– Some additional very minor level design tweaks.
– A few minor grammar fixes (in English).
– Fixed a late game checkpoint that was added in 1.1.8 that was spawning players in an invalid position.
– Ogre knives no longer collide with other ogres, and can be thrown through metal gates.
– Fixed a couple aspects of an end game sequence not behaving in the intended manner.
– Fixed one branch of dialog missing a dialog option in the conversation when meeting the imps.
– Fixed a missing animation for a player character in one possible step of the meeting the imps cutscene.
– Fixed a possible late game softlock related to pip’s aura.
– Give a more clear indication of where to go after defeating a late game boss.
– Increased deterrent to attempt entering the fortress through a locked door.

1.1.15 Patch Notes:
– Skip most boss intro dialog on repeat attempts on bosses.
– Buffed the rate at which Awareness affects player stun time, recovery invincibility, and health drop rate. (Vision, throw trajectory distance, and general loot drop rate were not changed and still scale at the same rate they did before.)
– Opened a permanent path to a few rooms and a chest that were previously only accessible once.
– Improved experience for a late game timing-based platforming puzzle. Adjusted timing, added health refills to allow for more repeat attempts, and removed the need to make a tricky throw after the main puzzle is solved just to unlock a shortcut and way out.
– Improved teleportation UI to make it more clear how you select destinations.
– Fixed Gold amount not popping up on the HUD sometimes when standing on a Purchasable.
– Fixed critical strike not working on big/small fire/ice elementals, and fire bouncers.
– Can now one shot small fire elementals with ice aura pip strike.
– Made spider eye hint indicators in the environment in the late game more visible.
– Fixed enemies sometimes appearing frozen in the Palace.
– Improved readability on the intended way to activate a switch in a late game room.
– Fixed a certain upgrade respawning upon repeat visits to its room.
– Fixed the Goddess getting all hitboxes hit simultaneously (good luck).
– Fix for the possibility of getting stuck on a tutorial step after unbinding the keys needed for that tutorial step (in this case any input will now progress the step).
– Changed color of Ogre Leader dialog text so that it stands out from sprites in the scene more.
– Fixed first cutscene looking odd when ambient light assist is enabled.
– Removed old Russian subtitle from main menu, to align with Russian storefronts, which display the title in English.
– Fixed enemy type swaps that occur in some early game rooms after a point in the story visually popping in too late.
– Tweaks on Boss 5 to prevent it from arbitrarily attending to its wounds at odd times.
– Added max lifespan duration to thrown items to prevent situations where they could be spawned potentially infinitely.
– Tweaked a room in Forgotten Roots to make it harder to cheese.
– Fixed selection indicator sometimes moving to HUD items after dismissing the keybinding screen.
– Fixed secret tiles not disabling their colliders sometimes after being discovered.
– Fixed Doppelgangers not using correct collider sizes when resetting to their first form after leaving the room and coming back.
– Fix for big fire elementals sometimes leaving upside down ground fires
– after having gone through an area with upside down ground fires. The dungeon gets weird at times but that was a bit too much.
– Removed some confusing switches that were there for “realism” of the place in the ogre fortress but never usable.
– Double/half current hp when changing boosted defense assist (so that you don’t get a bunch of empty hearts when activating it).
– Fixed some map areas not displaying the appropriate names on the map.
– Fixed a bug with the regenerating shield of one of the final bosses.
– Fixes for elements of Friffle’s shop and kids not maintaining state or
– getting reset properly when leaving 1 room away and coming back.
– Fixed a lava collider in a late game Mournsalt room.
– Improved exit game and reload confirmation windows fading out when confirming selection.
– Improved some checkpoint positions.
– Improved position of a lever in Darkcross.
– Fixed missing audio source on lethal spikes with switches.
– Fix for some parts of the endgame credits not completely fading out when they should.
– Improved translations for a couple lines in Simplified Chinese.
– Grammar fixes.

1.1.17 Patch Notes
– Fixed a case where a gate could push the player into the wall.
– Move the speedrun timer lower when two boss health bars are displayed to prevent it from overlapping with the lower one.
– Made a secret slightly more visible in Polyandrium.
– Made it possible to unlock a shortcut after finding a specific secret in Mournsalt without Fire Aura.
– Fixed a crystal switch being accessible before Fire Aura is unlocked that shouldn’t be.
– Fixed the light on the Lich’s wand not being enabled.
– Fixed Friffle’s kids playing stand up animation after introduction.
– Improved a couple achievement descriptions in Simplified Chinese.

Source: Dangen Entertainment PR

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