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Bear Box talks StarLight, says UHost is now targeted for Q4 2015

Posted on May 16, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

Bear Box Media has a couple of new Wii U eShop games in the works. The first is StarLight, which was revealed at the end of April.

Bear Box shared an update on the project with Pure Nintendo, with the studio’s Andy Ford stating:

Although designed to be addictive… StarLight is hard… very hard. It’s composed of 75 standard levels, 5 secret levels, and 3 modes to choose from. Pure, Easier, and Hardcore. Pure is the way the game was designed to be played. It’s all about reactions and timing. Once players complete Pure Mode, they unlock Mirror mode. Each level has been carefully designed to create an entirely different puzzle both forwards and backwards, so in this mode you effectively have 150 levels to work your way through.StarLight gameplay 2There’s no mirror mode for easier players. Hardcore is the tough one. As soon as a player collides with a single barrier, they must start all over again… from the very beginning. It’s a pretty big challenge, so we felt it deserved a worthwhile reward. We’ll be running a competition from the game’s launch stating that the first player to post an image of the final screen of Hardcore mode on Miiverse will win $100 worth of eShop vouchers. The highest I’ve personally been able to get in this mode is level 56… So it’ll be interesting to see who manages it first.

You may recall that along with StarLight, Bear Box is also working on UHost. The original plan was to have it out towards the end of last year, but the team is now targeting Q4 2015.

Here’s the latest from Ford:

Regarding UHost, our original plan was to release the game in Q4 of 2014 at a low price, and then increase the price each time an update was created, bringing in new content. This would have been great, but unfortunately we missed our window. It was then decided that the additional content would be added to the game, aiming for a release this year, Q4. It’s given us time to add in some great new mini-games, even more questions, and a lot of extra polish.


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