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Bethesda on support for Wii U and handhelds: “never say never”

Posted on June 22, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U

Bethesda VP of PR and marketing Pete Hines has once again commented on the company’s stance towards publishing titles on the Wii U as well as handhelds. These are platforms that Bethesda hasn’t supported, having dedicated most of its resources to Sony and Microsoft consoles.

Hines said:

“There’s a decent list of stuff that you don’t associate with us. We don’t have any games on Facebook. We’re not heavily into mobile. Here and there we’ve done some stuff. We did a little free Dishonored thing. We did the Rage thing, which was John [Carmack] going, ‘hey, I can get this to work on that, it’ll be fun.’ But in general, month over month, year over year, we don’t have stuff that we’re developing or talking about.”

“We don’t have anything announced for Wii U. We don’t have anything announced for the handhelds. Are there opportunities that could come up there that could make sense and be the kinds of things we would want to do? Absolutely. But what we have going on right now doesn’t fit with that.”

“Other platforms that we’re not doing anything for, we’ll wait and see. I would never say never. There are a lot of talented folks doing a lot of cool stuff, and maybe opportunities arise, or maybe somebody internally says, ‘hey, I have this great idea to do this thing on this platform.’ If that makes sense and it feels like something Bethesda would do, okay. But we’re not just going to bang a round peg into a square hole. That’s not how we work. It doesn’t make sense for us.”

Hines shared a few words about Bethesda’s lack of Wii U support yesterday as well. You can find those comments here.


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