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Bethesda says their content is “a better fit” on platforms other than Wii

Posted on July 29, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii

Last year, Bethesda Softworks hyped up a “really big Wii game.” Unfortunately, the title – which turned out to be Wheelspin – was not internally created, and is actually one of the worst games on Nintendo’s console. Yet even though Bethesda expressed interest in more serious development on the Nintendo front last year, it doesn’t sound like the company is still considering that direction.

“From my group, which is the internal Bethesda development team, probably not [going into Nintendo development]. The stuff we’re doing is a better fit on the other platforms. You can never say never, but I think for the kind of games that we like to play and make, it fits the other platforms… I agree with what you said. Even if there’s going to be some bigger, more mature games on it, the system (Wii), for better or worse, has been moved to this demographic. If we had an idea that we thought would really take advantage of that platform, we would do something for it. Usually, we’re thinking more in terms of graphically doing things that the other systems do. That’s what we get excited about.” – Todd Howard, executive producer for Bethesda Game Studios


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