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Bethesda talks Wii U, Wii was never an option

Posted on June 30, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii, Wii U

This information comes from Bethesda marketing VP Pete Hines…

“Our motto has always been: We want to make our games available to the widest audience possible on whatever platforms that will support the game. So to whatever extent new consoles fit with the kind of games we are making and support them technologically, we would certainly do that. The Wii wasn’t even an option – we would have to make wholesale changes to the games we were making on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC to make them work on Wii. I honestly know nothing about the tech specs of the new platforms (Wii U and Vita) and whether or not they are a good fit for what we are making with say Rage and Skyrim and Prey 2. If they are a good fit for the kind of games we are making then absolutely, we would look to put them out for those. But beyond that I can’t get into specifics.”

A comment comment from developers/publishers we’ve been hearing lately is that Wii U can provide experiences that the Wii could not. Also, they’ve been saying that the increase in technical specifications make it easier to work on a Nintendo platform. I am wondering just how much more powerful Wii U is compared to the PS3/360 though, since that’s something more industry members have been avoiding lately.


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