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Call of Duty: Ghosts – behind-closed-doors demo details

Posted on June 17, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Activision and Infinity Ward recently held a new viewing of Call of Duty: Ghosts for the press at E3 2013. A couple of demos were previously shown to the public, but a third could only be seen behind-closed doors.

Here’s an overview as to what was shown:

– Takes place in Caracas
– Begins with the Ghosts atop a skyscraper in the Venezuelan capitol
– Helicopters pass overhead dropping crates containing powerful harpoon canons
– Use these to reach a tower in the distance
– As the team attaches and begin their high-altitude zipline ride across the gap, fireworks explode around them as part of an unspecified holiday celebration in the city
– The team opts to repel along the side of the building, stealthily taking out enemies as they move from floor-to-floor
– Player isn’t on rails
– At one point, an enemy moves from one room into another and the player must strafe sideways to get a shot at him or risk being discovered
– The Ghosts soon reach their target level, use a laser cutter to carve a circular hole in the glass, leap backward, and kick through it
– Inside, the team finds a server room and begins to install some form of hacking device
– As it’s running, a patrol approaches, coming close to discovering the player as the hack slowly completes
– The tension comes to a fever pitch as the player moves into cover just in the nick of time
– The squad passes, but the player and his partner take out two stragglers quietly
– New leaning function show: before moving on, the player peaks around a corner to make sure the remaining soldiers are gone
– This is part of a new “contextual leaning” system, which detects a player’s position in relation to an object, adjusting how far they lean accordingly
– The feature basically eliminates a common issue of side stepping while leaning to peak out more or less
– Lean system carries over to all platforms and multiplayer modes
– Animations included when climbing objects
– Can keep firing your weapon with one arm as you jump over obstructions
– New animation known as the knee slide, which lets players slide into a crouching position while running while still maintaining the ability to aim and fire their weapon
– Demo ends as the players return to the exterior, killing the power to the whole building via the hack, and dangling over enemies on a ledge below
– The player pulls out a knife, performs a leaping kill, fading to black as the score strikes up


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