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Call of Duty: Ghosts was originally planned as Modern Warfare 4

Posted on September 13, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Most gamers expected Activision to come out with a new entry in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare sub-series this year. That was the plan initially, though things turned out differently in the end.

Speaking with Game Informer, executive producer Mark Rubin said Infinity Ward started out with this year’s Call of Duty game as Modern Warfare 4. After determining that the story arc was complete following Modern Warfare 3, however, the project eventually morphed into Ghosts.

According to Rubin:

“People felt really strongly that they liked the way you as a player can connect to the world you know day-to-day. So the idea of staying modern became a key point. Let’s not do ‘Space Guns on Jupiter.’ Let’s do real weapons that we know in a world we’re familiar with. And then it became, do we do Modern Warfare 4? And that was the game for a little while. Because we said, we’ll stay modern, we’ll do Modern Warfare 4! But then it was like, well, we kind of finished the story in Modern Warfare 3. That arc is done.”

Source, Via

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