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Capcom details how the design for Mega Man was created in Mega Man 11

Posted on June 22, 2018 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Capcom shared a new video this week delving into the creation of Mega Man 11. Earlier in the week, the company spoke about how the design for Mega Man himself was made.

Here’s the full rundown, courtesy of Siliconera:

– The team first created a prototype image based off of Mega Man’s previous design in Mega Man 8
– With the shift into HD, they found that the previous design was too flat and featureless
– They decided to make a new design with more details to the body as a result, such as more lines, and a more detailed buster
– The image above of a proposal for a more detailed Mega Man design became the basis for the finalized Mega Man 11 new design
– While the details aren’t really that visible in actual gameplay, the development team took the time to get the details right, because they felt it would be a waste of a new design if they didn’t
– The team also fiddled a lot with the lighting on Mega Man’s model
– They also went back and forth on whether Mega Man should have an outline or not
– Mega Man 11 doesn’t use environmental lighting at all
– Every character in the game has their own personal lighting effect on them in order to best bring out their appeal
– Regarding the size of Mega Man on the screen, the team wanted to show as much of Mega Man’s face as possible
– The smaller the screen size, the more deformed Mega Man should be, so that the screen didn’t seem too cramped
– Capcom ultimately went with a semi-deformed look that focused on the body parts they wanted to emphasize (namely his head, his arms, and his legs)

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