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Iwata Keynote GDC

Nintendo President Satoru Iwata delivers the keynote address at the Game Developers Conference, Wednesday, March 25, 2009 in San Francisco. Iwata discussed Nintendo’s role in creating better tools for game developers to introduce ideas to a marketplace that is increasingly willing to embrace new game design possibilities. (Nintendo of America)

Iwata Keynote GDC

Nintendo President Satoru Iwata delivers his keynote address at the 2009 Game Developers Conference, Wednesday, March 25, 2009 in San Francisco. (Nintendo of America)

Hideo Kojima has told IGN that he is working on a new title. He made no mention of the genre or platform the game is being developed for, but he did say that an announcement can be expected at E3. Here’s hoping that Mr. Kojima is developing a project for the Wii – but that may just be wishful thinking.


Even though Satoru Iwata’s GDC keynote was filled with great news for hardcore gamers, the Wii storage solution, VC Arcade, and even the announcement of a new Zelda is not the biggest news for today. According to Geoff Keighley, there is still one more surprise. As can be quoted by Mr. Keighley, the big surprise “comes later today.” For clarification purposes, know that this might not necessarily be related to Nintendo.

33-year-old Robert Snively was arrested at 1:30 a.m and was charged with disorderly conduct. Snively was playing Guitar Hero, but apparently he was doing so rather loudly. Police officers arrived at the man’s house after complaints were received from neighbors. The police issued Snively a citation after hearing his excuse. He said that he became very excited while playing with a friend online, but police obviously did not believe that was an important reason to disrupt the neighborhood. Snively will need to go to court in April as a result of repeat offenses.

It’s no secret that in Call of Duty: World at War, gamers can take aim at dogs. Being able to do that alone has caused Breanna Lucci, president of the Animal Rights Club at the Academy of Notre Dame in Massachusetts, to rally her fellow classmates. She fears that having the ability to kill dogs in Call of Duty could somehow cause others to kill dogs in real life.

Lucci recently started a petition in her school to make others aware of the dog killings in World at War after watching her brother play the game. So far, the petition has over 100 signatures. Lucci is hoping to send the petition to Activision.

“Killing dogs as a form of entertainment…over and over again. That’s one of the objects of the game. Parents need to know what they are buying their kids. Killing animals should not be a form of entertainment…My little 12-pound Pomeranian, Winnie the Pooh, is sitting next to him [her brother], and I’m thinking, ‘This looks horrible!’ My brother is a sweetheart. He won’t be killing dogs after playing. But some people might.”

“This event will unveil and showcase the latest in outstanding entertainment, creativity and innovation. Everyone interested in the computer and video game industry will be in Los Angeles this June.” – Michael Gallagher, president and CEO of the ESA

According to the ESA, 90% of available space for E3 has been sold. More than 100 exhibitors will be attending the event to feature their games and roughly 40,000 people should be at the exhibition.

In February, it was announced that Nintendo was forming Project Sora, a new subsidiary under Nintendo. Not too much was said about the type of game that the company will be developing, and details are still scarce. However, Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai is promising that the studio’s upcoming game will be “an experience like nothing seen before.”

Project Sora is still looking for members to join the team, and in fact, there was a whole page in Famitsu that stated the development team is interested in hiring new employees.

“Masahiro Sakurai and Nintendo are thinking together, and a new project has been launched. In order to expand the range of what video games can provide to the world, we are receiving full support from Nintendo to create something that Nintendo can’t create by themselves.” – Project Sora Famitsu ad

“I am asking for something special here, something that isn’t Smash Bros.” – Satoru Iwata

“I promise that we can provide an experience like nothing seen before.” – Masahiro Sakurai

“A sweet new demo of an early-stage game just arrived in my office. Color me excited.” – Midway community Twitter

No word yet on whether or not this relates to a Nintendo platform. Still seems interesting, though!

Source 1, Source 2

The latest buzz surrounding GDC 2009 is that three (four, technically) Nintendo characters will be at this year’s conference this year. The rumor specifically involves Link, Kid Icarus, and the Ice Climbers. Games wouldn’t necessarily be shown – hints to future projects, listing of the characters, or possibly more would be shared.

I do want to stress that this rumor should be taken with a huge grain of salt. In the past, some rumors have proved to be valid but in this case it’s really unclear. I would expect Nintendo to do something like this at E3, but not really GDC…Who knows. We’ll have to just wait and see. Just remember to have a bit of skepticism in mind and don’t set yourselves up for disappointment!

Thanks to Jake for the news tip.

“That’s right. But they’re not confirmed. I can’t really talk about them.” – Traveller’s Tales animator Charlotte Parker

“Am currently working as a Cutscene Animator on LEGO Harry Potter & LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull which are both in the early stages of production.” -Charlotte Parker’s CV

The information on Charlotte Parker’s CV has since been removed. I’d still consider this a rumor for now, but it does seem as though both LEGO Harry Potter and Lego Indiana Jones 2 are in development.


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