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Game TitlePlatformPublisher
01Monster Hunter 4Capcom
02Shin Megami Tensei IVAtlus
03Luigi’s Mansion 2Nintendo
04Pokemon X & YPokemon Co.
05Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIISquare Enix
06Super Robot Taisen UXBandai Namco
07One Piece Kakizu Musou 2 [One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2]Bandai Namco
08JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star BattleBandai Namco
09Soul SacrificeSony
10Gyakuten Saiban 5 [Ace Attorney 5]Capcom
11Summon Night 5Bandai Namco
12Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIXSquare Enix
13Grand Theft Auto VCapcom/Rockstar Games
14Pikmin 3Nintendo
15God Eater 2Bandai Namco
16Tales of Hearts RBandai Namco
17Final Fantasy Versus XIIISquare Enix
18Dragon’s Dogma: Dark ArisenCapcom
19Final Fantasy X HDSquare Enix
20The Last of UsSony

This month’s GamesMaster review scores are as follows:

Aliens: Colonial Marines – 62%
Antichamber – 82%
ArcadeCraft – 79%
Assassin’s Creed III – The Tyranny of King Washington: Episode 1 – 80%
Auditorium HD – 76%
Bleed – 88%
Call of Duty: Black Ops II Revolution DLC – 86%
Corpse Party: Book of Shadows – 72%
Crysis 3 – 85%
Dead Space 3 – 73%
Dokuro – 84%
Forza Horizon Rally Pack – 77%
Fractured Soul – 68%
Gunman Clive – 75%
Haunt the House: Terrortown – 81%
Hitman HD Trilogy – 84%
LittleBigPlanet 2: Cross-Controller Pack – 83%
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance – 75%
NBA 2K13 Wii U – 80%
Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD – 72%
Omerta: City of Gangsters – 52%
Orgarhythm – 54%
Rush Bros – 71%
SiNG Party – 64%
Street Fighter X Mega Man – 68%
Tomb Raider – 90%
Tokyo Crash Mob – 67%
Touch Battle Tank 3D – 40%
Wreck-It Ralph – 38%

No LEGO City or Luigi’s Mansion 2 scores in GamesMaster’s April issue. Its May teaser apparently indicates that reviews are coming in its May edition.

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Wii U

1. Nintendo Land – Nintendo
2. New Super Mario Bros. U – Nintendo
3. Darksiders II – THQ
4. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed – SEGA
5. ZombiU – Ubisoft
6. Sports Connection – Ubisoft
7. Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth – Ubisoft
8. Assassin’s Creed III – Ubisoft
9. Rabbids Land – Ubisoft
10. Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition – Warner Bros. Interactive


1. New Super Mario Bros. 2 – Nintendo
2. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate – Konami
3. Paper Mario: Sticker Star – Nintendo
4. Mario Kart 7 – Nintendo
5. Super Mario 3D Land – Nintendo
6. New Style Boutique – Nintendo
7. Sonic Generations – SEGA
8. Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask – Nintendo
9. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed – SEGA
10. Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games – SEGA

Source: Chart-Track

“We have a fantastic opportunity for pirates in video games. Certainly when Assassin’s Creed III naval came out, there was a clamour from the fans for a pirate game. There’s no-doubt that the people want it, but it’s not easy. It takes a very talented team, a lot of experience and great tech. It’s one thing having good naval combat, but combining that with good boarding and land-based gameplay in a seamless way, is hard to do.

“We’re staying away from cliches. Things like walking the plank, parrots on the shoulder and hooks for hands. We are giving pirates the HBO, reality treatment. And that allows us to redefine piracy in entertainment. No longer is it for kids.”

– Lead content manager Carsten Myhill

I doubt I’m the only one, but something tells me the game will be quite far from a realistic and honest depiction of piracy back in the 17th and 18th century…


The latest video additions to the 3DS eShop are as follows:

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity Video
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity Intro
Kersploosh! Trailer
The Croods: Prehistoric Party! Trailer
Wrecking Crew Trailer
ATV Wild Ride 3D Video
ATV Wild Ride 3D Game Tips Trailer
Etrian Odyssey IV Dancer Trailer
Etrian Odyssey IV Runemaster Trailer
Etrian Odyssey IV Sniper Trailer

Source: 3DS eShop

Citing the “importance of verifying the sources of pictures”, a Danish news station has apologized for unintentionally using a screenshot from 2007’s Assassin’s Creed to represent the skyline of war-torn Syrian city Damascus. It’s hard to determine exactly what’s more impressive: A news station goofing up like this, or a six year old game being mistaken for reality. Good work… Ubisoft? I guess?

Via Eurogamer

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