3DS – See when your friends are online
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Nintendo does appear to be taking a more serious approach to online and the 3DS. The company revealed today that the system will feature different colors for the notification light. When the light turns orange, the system is indicating that a friend is online. Other colors include red (low battery) and green (StreetPass activity).
North American 3DS launch colors confirmed
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Nintendo announced the 3DS launch colors in North America just a few moments ago. Similar to what is being offered in Europe, two colors will be available: Aqua Blue and Cosmo Black. Stay tuned for more 3DS details as the rest of the day unfolds.
3DSWare news on the way
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
“Demo lady promised information on 3DSWare, the handheld’s OS and a slew of other stuff too later. #3DSevent #NYC”
Looks like we’ll be receiving information about every aspect about the 3DS today. Should be exciting!
3DS launch colors most likely revealed
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Nothing is completely confirmed yet, but Cosmos Black and Aqua Blue appear to be the 3DS launch colors in Europe. Both colors are being featured at the Nintendo event in Amsterdam.
Tenkuu no Kishi Rodea details
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
– “Sky fantasy” game
– First Wii/3DS multiplatform game
– Writer Takumi Miyajima is working on the game
– Rodea is the game’s main character
– Ion and Princess Cecilia are other characters
– “New feel action game”
– Wiimote used exclusively in the Wii version
– There will be stages other than the sky
– Naka: the game is “a completely new action game with simple controls”
– Team started working on the game in Fall 2009
– The game Naka and his team were working on was cancelled at the time, team split into two
New game unveiled from the creator of Sonic
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Thus far, Prope – founded by Sonic creator Yuji Naka – has released one title simultaneously on two Nintendo systems. That game is none other than Ivy the Kiwi?, which was released for both the Wii and DS last year. It looks like the studio is taking a similar approach with their next title. Famitsu has unveiled Tenkuu no Kishi Rodea, a brand new project for the 3DS and Wii. While you wait for details to surface, a few scans can be seen above.
Reggie wants you to get excited about tomorrow’s 3DS event
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
How odd… It doesn’t look like there will be a live stream of the event in North America. We’ll have to rely on live blogs and tweets!
Pachter believes in the 3DS, imagination
Posted on 14 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
“I think that the 3DS will outsell the PSP2, because the 3DS is new and different, while the PSP2 is likely going to be a souped up version of the old PSP. Thus, I think that 3DS will have greater success in capturing the consumer’s imagination.” – Superanalyst Michael Pachter
I honestly think the 3DS is going to sell buckets and buckets of units. I’ve heard people who’ve never played a game in their life that are excited to get their hands on the 3DS, which, while it’s not a first ever, it’s certainly more electric than any other console in recent memory.