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Chucklefish CEO: Wargroove is “coming along at a really good pace”

Posted on August 24, 2018 by (@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch eShop


Ever since it was first revealed, Wargroove has been one of the most anticipated indie games on Nintendo Switch. However, development has been taking longer than expected and the latest official word on a release date is “second half of 2018”. Today, developer Chucklefish’s CEO Finn Brice provided a small update on the game’s development on Twitter:

For everyone following Wargroove. It’s coming along at a really good pace, the reason it’s been taking longer than expected is because we decided we wanted a very complete and robust “package” as well as wanting to perfect everything that was there. Thanks for being patient

He also provided a list of features that’ll be in the game, including, a many hours long Campaign, Arcade mode exploring each character,  Challenge mode, local and  online multiplayer (synchronous and asynchronous), level / campaign editor, cutscene editor, Jukebox, Codex, Gallery, voice Acting, secret unlockables and more.


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