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Chucklefish introduces Wargroove’s Dog unit

Posted on December 27, 2017 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Chucklefish is sharing new information about its turn-based strategy title Wargroove. The studio has started to provide a look at how the units are shaping up across the game’s different factions.

The Soldier , Archer, and Spearman units were previously introduced. This time around, we have an update on the Dog unit.

Here’s the full rundown from Chucklefish:

Dogs are a useful unit – they are cheap and can deal a surprising amount of damage, but are also quite fragile. Along with their high movement range, they are particularly well suited to first strike attacks. Their passive bonus also allows them to hunt in “packs” – if there is another allied Dog adjacent to your target then you’ll receive a damage bonus. Just don’t try to attack vehicles – they aren’t well suited for that.

Whether they are clad in armour or are missing bits of their flesh, one thing remains the same – the Dog unit is always a good boy.


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