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Crysis 3 not coming to Wii U from lack of “business drive”

Posted on January 7, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii U

CEO and founder of Crytek Cevat Yerli has once and for all confirmed that Crysis 3 won’t be heading to Wii U. Some may be surprised to hear, however, that the reasons are business-related rather than technical.

Yerli said that Nintendo, EA, and Crytek have been in talks, “but the bottom line is that there is that there’s not enough business drive in it.” While Yerli would personally love to see Crysis 3 on Wii U, “what I love to see and what gets done at the end of the day are two different things.”

Yerli said:

“There has been discussions between Nintendo and EA and Crytek, but the bottom line is that there is that there’s not enough business drive in it. It’s a purely business decision. I’d love to see it on Wii U, but what I love to see and what gets done at the end of the day are two different things. Even so, I could initiate it but someone has to sell it, right? It’s a business decision between EA and Nintendo. If that business decision doesn’t make sense, or seems to not make sense for them, it’s… not possible for us to make it. We can’t publish ourselves, and that’s the bottom line.”


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