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Cuthbert on X-Scape, possibility of creating another Star Fox

Posted on May 7, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, General Nintendo, News

First, Q-Games’ Dylan Cuthbert discussed X-Scape…

“X was a very special game for me. It was the first game I made for Nintendo. Star Fox is very much a Miyamoto group game. X’s themes are a little more adult, a little more science fiction based. It’s a bit of a self challenge, to go back to something you made 20 years ago and going through all the old ideas and trying to remake them with the experience I have now. As a challenge that was more fun for us than doing another Star Fox. It let’s us explore more themes because it’s not a major franchise title.”

Mr. Cuthbert was also asked about the possibility of creating another Star Fox title…

“We’re willing to do any game for Nintendo. It’s up to them.”

X-Scape looks like a really neat game. I’ve actually been looking forward to the title quite a bit since I saw the first trailer. And about Star Fox…I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again – I’d love to see it happen. Now we just need Nintendo to ask Mr. Cuthbert if he’ll do it for them!


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