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Dragalia Lost – 10/12/2021 current events

Posted on October 12, 2021 by in Mobile, News

Here are the most recent events and updates for Dragalia Lost:

  • Wind Legion’s Trial is coming to Trials of the Mighty in Dragalia Lost on Oct. 12, 11 PM PT. Use a team of flame-attuned sword, blade, or staff adventurers to earn materials for unlocking Wedding Aoi’s mana spiral from the daily bonus.
  • A sixth mana circle, the mana spiral, will be added to 5-Star adventurer Wedding Aoi around Oct. 12, 11 PM PT.
  • The Dragalia Scratch-A-Thon lasts until Nov. 3, 11 PM PT. Log in for a chance to win items and wyrmite. If you win a Scratch-A-Thon Summon, go to the summon screen for a guaranteed 5-Star!

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