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Dragalia Lost – Daily free tenfold summon extended and Gala Dragalia coming soon

Posted on October 29, 2020 by in Mobile

The daily free tenfold summon event, which allows players to perform a free tenfold summon has been extended and will now be available Oct. 29, 11 PM PT to Nov. 3, 9:59 PM PT. Additionally, players have a new Gala Dragalia to look forward to, along with a Platinum Showcase. Take a look at the character art, details, and a video from the Dragalia Lost Team after the break:

  • A Platinum Showcase starts Oct. 29, 11 PM PT! The 5★ dragon Gala Mars, Gala Cat Sìth, or Gala Thor is guaranteed to appear as the tenth summon in your tenfold summon.
  • Here’s an illustration of Lapis, who will appear in Gala Dragalia!


  • Here’s an illustration of Gala Reborn Poseidon, who will appear in Gala Dragalia!


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