Dragalia Lost – Gala Dragalia featuring Nedrick and Primal Brunhilda live now
A new Gala Dragalia is now live in Dragalia Lost. This summoning event is featuring two new characters, the adventurer Gala Nedrick and dragon primal Brunhilda. A trailer was released alongside them for promotion, You can have a look at both at both the characters and the trailer below.
This Gala Dragalia will last until March 31 at 7:59 PST, and will immediately be followed by another Gala Dragalia featuring Bondforged Prince and Bondforged Zethia.
With that out of the way, here are the details on the characters:
- Lv: 80
- Attack Unit
- Share Points: 10
- HP: 752
- Strength: 506
- Might: 2,498
Adventurer Details:
- The true seventh scion of Alberia. He was
afflicted with Wyrmscale shortly after birth and
taken to the Faerie Kingdom, where Bahamut
granted him a new chance at life. Pragmatic
and impersonal, he acts by his ideas alone.

Shareable: 5 Share Points
Deals damage to surrounding enemies,
inflicts shadowblight, and raises the dragon
gauge if the attack connects.
inflicts shadowblight, and raises the dragon
gauge if the attack connects.
If the user has Soul Charge, this skill will
instead deal damage to surrounding enemies,
inflict shadowblight, and dispel one buff from
each target.
instead deal damage to surrounding enemies,
inflict shadowblight, and dispel one buff from
each target.
Damage: 800 × 4 hits
Skill Energy Required: 2,376
Skill Energy Required (Shared Skill): 9,005
Special Effects:
・Shadowblight (Lasts 21 seconds / Triggers every 2.9 seconds / Damage: 41)
Dragon Energy Gained: 10
Skill Energy Required: 2,376
Skill Energy Required (Shared Skill): 9,005
Special Effects:
・Shadowblight (Lasts 21 seconds / Triggers every 2.9 seconds / Damage: 41)
Dragon Energy Gained: 10
When the User Has Soul Charge:
Damage: 800 × 5 hits
Skill Energy Required: 3,360
Special Effects:
・Shadowblight (Lasts 21 seconds / Triggers every 2.9 seconds / Damage: 41)
・Dispels Buffs
Damage: 800 × 5 hits
Skill Energy Required: 3,360
Special Effects:
・Shadowblight (Lasts 21 seconds / Triggers every 2.9 seconds / Damage: 41)
・Dispels Buffs

The skill gauge for this skill cannot be filled
until the user has shapeshifted at least once.
until the user has shapeshifted at least once.
Grants the user the “Soul Charge Lv. 3” effect.
If the user has Soul Charge, this skill will
instead deal damage to enemies directly ahead
and foes near them and grant the entire team
a team critical damage amp.
instead deal damage to enemies directly ahead
and foes near them and grant the entire team
a team critical damage amp.
Skill Energy Required: 1
Special Effects:
・Soul Charge Lv. 3
Special Effects:
・Soul Charge Lv. 3
When the User Has Soul Charge:
Damage: 700 × 6 hits
Skill Energy Required: 12,000
Team Amps:
・Team Critical Damage Amp (MAX Lv. = 3)
Damage: 700 × 6 hits
Skill Energy Required: 12,000
Team Amps:
・Team Critical Damage Amp (MAX Lv. = 3)
Dragon Haste +15%
- Increases dragon gauge fill rate by 15%.
Benefits your whole team.
Chain Co-ability
(Shadow) Dragon Damage +12%
- If a team member is attuned to Shadow:
adds 12% to the modifier applied to their
damage when in dragon form.
Benefits your whole team.
Oblivion Pactbearer II
- Fills 50% of the dragon gauge at the start of
quests and extends shapeshift time by 100%,
but doubles the amount of dragon energy
required to shapeshift. (The user’s maximum
dragon energy will not be increased.)When shapeshifting, Nedrick will transform
into Bahamut regardless of what dragon he
is equipped with. While he is shapeshifted,
this ability grants him a dragon strike that deals
damage to multiple targets and enemies near
those targets.Also, grants Nedrick the “Oblivion Overload Lv. 1”
effect when his shapeshift is undone (once per
quest). Oblivion Overload has three progressively
more powerful levels and levels up automatically
after set intervals of time.
Lv. 1: Increases strength by 10%, but the user
takes damage over time.
Lv. 2: Increases strength and critical rate
by 15%, but the user takes damage over time.
Lv. 3: Increases strength, critical rate, and
attack skill damage by 20%, but the user takes
damage over time.The maximum amount of the dragon gauge
that abilities can fill at the start of quests will
be limited to 50% for the entire team. Blessing of Creation II
- Reduces susceptibility to blindness
and paralysis by 100%. Enduring Ideals II
- When Nedrick’s HP falls to zero,
if he has the “Oblivion Overload” effect,
grants all team members other than
Nedrick Oblivion Overload Lv. 1.
・The stats shown here do not include increases or decreases due to abilities and represent the adventurer at level 80 with 50 mana nodes unlocked, not the stats when first obtained.
・Some skills have different effects when used as a shared skill.
■Regarding Gala Nedrick’s Soul Charge
While Soul Charge has positive effects on Nedrick’s status and abilities, it also has a negative effect. Please check the “Soul Charge” part of the “Special Effects” section in the Help menu for details on these effects.
While Soul Charge has positive effects on Nedrick’s status and abilities, it also has a negative effect. Please check the “Soul Charge” part of the “Special Effects” section in the Help menu for details on these effects.
- Lv: 100
- HP: 369
- Strength: 127
- Might: 1296
Dragon Details
- The Flamewyrm Brunhilda with her regained
primal powers. Cloaked in brilliant flame, she is
fire incarnate, and burns all who oppose her to
ash. Her passion burns stronger still as she
stands by her beloved on the battlefield.
Awakened Blaze
- Deals damage to enemies in a line
and inflicts burn and scorchrend.Damage: 2,800 × 1 hit
Special Effects:
・Burn (Lasts 60 seconds / Triggers every 3.9 seconds / Damage: 72.7)
・Scorchrend (Lasts 60 seconds / Triggers every 2.9 seconds / Damage: 31.1)
(Flame) Strength +100%
- If the user is attuned to Flame:
increases strength by 100%. Incinerating Ardor II
- Fills 50% of the dragon gauge at the start of
quests and extends shapeshift time by 100%,
but doubles the amount of dragon energy
required to shapeshift. (The user’s maximum
dragon energy will not be increased.)Also, grants the user a dragon strike while
shapeshifted as Primal Brunhilda. This dragon
strike creates a zone that lasts for 7.5 seconds
and deals damage to enemies inside it. When
the user is in this zone, the depletion of their
dragon gauge over time will be reduced by 75%,
and their HP will be restored every 0.9 seconds.
The user can only have one of these zones active
at a time.In addition, when one of the user’s skills ends
or is interrupted, the user will be granted the
“Heart Aflame” effect. Heart Aflame has two
progressively more powerful levels.
Lv. 1: For 10 seconds, increases skill damage
by 10%.
Lv. 2: For five seconds, increases skill damage
by 30% and increases the chances of inflicting
burn or scorchrend by 30%.The maximum amount of the dragon gauge
that abilities can fill at the start of quests will
be limited to 50% for the entire team.
・The stats shown here represent the dragon at level 100, maximum bond, and unbound to the fourth stage. They do not represent the stats when first obtained.
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