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Dragalia Lost update out now (version 2.16.0)

Posted on January 24, 2022 by in Mobile, News

A new update has arrived for Dragalia Lost. You can check out the full update details after the break.

Version Update

Version 2.16.0 will be available for download around 01/23/2022 at 22:00. You may install it when it becomes available; otherwise, an automatic update will occur around 01/24/2022 at 22:00.
When you update to version 2.16.0 and play co-op, you will no longer be matched with players using earlier versions of the game. Rooms created by players using earlier versions will not display in the Room List, and you will not be able to join them using Find a Room, Join Nearby Players, Enter an ID, or alliance chat.
To celebrate the update, we’ll be sending all players a Tenfold Summon Voucher after the automatic update. This notice will be updated after it has been distributed.
Note: The Tenfold Summon Voucher will not be distributed until after the automatic update, even if you complete the update to version 2.16.0 early.
■Update Details
・The defensive event Shadow of the Mukuroshu and the onslaught event Elementary Escapades will be added to the Event Compendium on 01/25/2022 at 01:00.
・Support for upcoming adventurers and quests scheduled to appear in late January through February will be added and certain unresolved issues will be addressed.
■Balance Adjustments
・When controlled by the game’s AI, the adventurers Sandalphon and Kimono Notte will no longer automatically activate their unique shapeshift during quests (with the exception of the Kaleidoscape).
Sandalphon and Kimono Notte were designed to focus mainly on healing and swap to dealing damage in their shapeshifted forms when such support was no longer required. However, it was difficult for the AI to effectively balance time spent dealing damage and time spent healing since most players rely on these adventurers primarily for their healing rather than damage-dealing capabilities. By ensuring that the AI does not shapeshift at a disadvantageous time, these adventurers will become more reliable in their main role while under the game’s control.
■Other Changes
・The adventurer Ilia’s alchemic cartridges will be made exempt from the effects of Curse of Nihility on 01/25/2022 at 01:00.
・A selection of voiced lines for Mini Mids, Mini Hildy, Mini Zodi, Mini Mercs, and Mini Jupi will be added on or after 01/25/2022 at 01:00.
・The mana cost for the prince’s Force Strike node in the mana circle tutorial will be changed to 0 on 01/31/2022 at 01:00.
[Addendum [01/20/2022 at 01:00]
・The Dawn Amber Intake Boost and Dusk Amber Intake Boost abilities will be added to the Fafnir Upgrades screen in the Kaleidoscape on 01/25/2022 at 01:00. These abilities will trigger on the Results screen.
■Issues Addressed
The following issue will be addressed in the data update on or around 01/25/2022 at 01:00:
・Three Gold Fafnirs with which you cannot form a pact currently appear in the Encyclopedia in Notte’s Notes.
1. It may take time for the store to reflect the updated information. Players may not be able to perform updates due to their device’s data cache being full. If you are unable to perform the update, restart your device, and then try downloading it from the store.
2. Any adventurers and game screenshots shown are still in development.
Thank you for playing Dragalia Lost.

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