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Dual Destinies is like a part of a new series, don’t expect Phoenix Wright to appear in a Resident Evil game

Posted on July 24, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News

Siliconera recently chatted with Ace Attorney series producer Motohide Eshiro and Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies scenario director Takeshi Yamazaki. You can find the full thing here, but there are a couple of points that stand out.

First, there’s a vague hint from Yamazaki that Dual Destinies could be the start of its own series. The first three Phoenix Wright games kind of stand together as their own trilogy, and Capcom could be thinking of doing something similar starting with Dual Destinies.

“It takes place a year after the previous game [Apollo Justice], so it’s a continuation of that story, so in a way you can think of it as a direct link to that one, as part of a new series, so to speak.”

Later in the interview, Eshiro and Yamazaki commented on what else they would like to do with Ace Attorney. Phoenix Wright has already appeared in a Marvel vs. Capcom game and the Ace Attorney series as a whole had a crossover title with Professor Layton.

Eshiro and Yamazaki didn’t say too much since they haven’t given the subject much thought, but you probably won’t be seeing Phoenix Wright in a Resident Evil game. At the same time, Yamazaki thinks “it would be cool to have some zombie kind of stuff going on in an Ace Attorney game.”

Motohide Eshiro

“I haven’t thought up anything really specific, but one is thing is for sure—he would have to fit into that world, but still surprise the player by doing something unusual. For example, we couldn’t just toss him into a Resident Evil game, as interesting as that might be. But surely, there’s untapped potential in things we haven’t tried with Phoenix and these other characters.”

Takeshi Yamazaki

“Wow, this is difficult! I haven’t really thought about this either. Using Phoenix as an example, taking him and putting him in a Resident Evil game, as Eshiro-san mentioned for example, wouldn’t really work. But that gave me the opposite idea—it would be cool to have some zombie kind of stuff going on in an Ace Attorney game.”

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