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EA “keeping a very close eye” on Wii U, says you should “never underestimate Nintendo”

Posted on July 31, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U

Other than Mass Effect 3 and sports promises, EA doesn’t have too much in store for Wii U – well, as far as we know. But EA chief operating officer Peter Moore, speaking during the company’s first quarter earnings call today, said “We’re keeping a very close eye on the platform.”

Regarding the partially “lackluster response” coming out of E3, Moore stated that EA now understands to “never underestimate Nintendo, as proven by the last generation.”

Moore wasn’t ready to announce anything new for Wii U today. Having said that, he believes that EA has “great franchises poised to be on that platform. He added, “We’ll probably announce more in the future.”


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