Fans debate validity of new Smash Bros. Ultimate character “leak”
We’ve been going back and forth throughout the day as to whether or not we should share this. Essentially, a post surfaced on 4chan earlier today with an image claiming to show a new character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. If you’d like to see the image for yourself, continue on below.

What we have here is an apparent look at Ken from Street Fighter. The question is, can we be sure it’s real? We all can’t forget the infamous Rayman leak for Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS, which had many people convinced was legitimate.
Fans have been debating the validity of the leak, sharing evidence that hint at it being both real and fake. While true leaks are rare, we can’t say for sure one way or the other.
So what side of the fence do you fall on? Do you believe this is real or fake?