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Fire Emblem Heroes adding Gordin: Altean Archer as its next Resplendent Hero

Posted on December 23, 2022 by in Mobile, News

Intelligent Systems has announced that the next Resplendent Hero coming to Fire Emblem Heroes will be Gordin: Altean Archer. The character will be made available for Feh Pass members on January 9, 11 PM PT along with accompanying Feh Pass quests.

Look below for an overview on the upcoming Resplendent Hero:

“I’d like to get to know Princess Veronica better. I wonder what she likes?”
“No matter how good I get, I’ll never give up practicing my bow. You can always get better!”

Sharena’s Fashion Check!
Here’s Gordin in his new Emblian attire! Altea’s top sharpshooter has scored a bull’s-eye with this glamorous black-and-gold outfit, which features an asymmetric twist and a stylish red quiver to really pull the look together!


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