Fire Emblem Heroes announces Flush Summer summoning event
Flush Summer will be the next summoning event in Fire Emblem Heroes, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced.
Special Heroes in dazzling swimsuits are coming soon. The lineup includes Nerþuz: Beach Shaperon (voiced by Cristina “Vee” Valenzuela, art by Sencha), Hríd: Island Ice Prince (voiced by Mark P. Whitten, art by argon), Olivia: Wavecrest Dancer (voiced by Karen Strassman, art by Kippu), and Gullveig: Glittering Sunlight (voiced by Alice Himora + Valeria Rodriguez, art by Yoshiku).
The Fire Emblem Heroes Flush Summer summoning event starts on June 17, 2024. We have the official trailer below.
Flush Summer Trailer
Fire Emblem Heroes can be downloaded on mobile via iOS and Android. You can find more coverage on the game here and the official website here.