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Fire Emblem Heroes hosting One-Year-Anniversary Celebration; quests for Arena and Arena Assault live

Posted on January 19, 2018 by (@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News

Fire Emblem Heroes is gearing up for its one-year anniversary on February 2. To celebrate, a few different activities are in store.

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems are planning the following:

– A One-Year-Anniversary Celebration Log-In Bonus (2 orbs every day, up to 10 times between January 19 and February 3)
– A new item in the Shop for anyone to purchase once: the Starter Support Pack (starting January 19, purchase it for 12 Orbs, 12 Stamina Potions, 12 Light’s Blessings, a 5* Hero – Black Knight)
– A Welcome-Back Gift will be sent out (for those who have been away for 30 days or more starting January 19)
– The second Choose Your Legends event, Round 2, will take place (between January 21 and January 28)

As for today’s FIre Emblem Heroes update, quests for the Arena and Arena Assault have been added.

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