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Fire Emblem Heroes – Ophelia: Dramatic Heroine coming March 25, Resplendent Hero Seliph: Heir of Light live now

Posted on March 10, 2022 by (@brodee922) in Mobile

Fire Emblem Heroes has released a new Resplendent Hero and updated Feh Pass Quests. This hero is Seliph: Heir of Light, and he and the quests are available for Feh Pass subscribers now.

The next Resplendent Hero has also been announced, and it is Ophelia: Dramatic Heroine. Ophelia will be releasing on March 25, 2022 at 12am PT. More information, including illustrations, can be read below.


Dramatic Heroine Ophelia

Dramatic Heroine


Dramatic Heroine Ophelia

Dramatic Heroine Ophelia

  • VOICE 1
  • VOICE 2
Ta-daaa! What do you think of my new outfit?
You want a good dream tonight? Fine, fine, I’ll see what the stars have to say…

Sharena’s Fashion Check!

Ophelia’s arrived to show off her new outfit from Dökkálfheimr, the realm of nightmares! Her new attire has a black base with some bewitching hues mixed in that really fit her occasional nickname of “Ophelia Dusk.” She’s also wearing a fabulous cape designed to look just like álfr wings!


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