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First MDK2 WiiWare screenshots and new details

Posted on April 17, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Screenshots, Wii

We brought you the first trailer for MDK2 WiiWare earlier this morning, but now we have a bunch of screenshots and new details thanks to a listing on Nintendo’s site. Check out the first images of the game as well as the new information below.

3 Unlikely Heroes, 1 Ultimate Goal.

Kurt Hectic must save the universe. He is teamed with the genius Dr. Hawkins and the 6-legged gun-toting robotic dog, Max. Together they must out-sneak, out-blast and out-think their enemies as they attempt to reclaim earth from a vile alien menace.
– Play as all three characters
– each with their own distinct style of gameplay.
– Save the world with unique gadgets and weaponry like the Black Hole Grenade and the Sniper Shield.
– Ten massive environments immerse you into an eccentric and wacky world.
– Captivating and humorous storyline unfolds through each level all the way to the grand finale.
– Sniper mode allows you to shoot an enemy in the eye from more than a mile away.
– Solve puzzles to create deadly weaponry with the brilliant mind of Dr. Hawkins.
– Sneak, snipe and shoot with Kurt’s suit equipped with a cloaking device.

  • *Solve Puzzles to create deadly weaponry
  • *Ten massive environments
  • *Play as 3 distinct characters
  • *Captivating and humorous storyline


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