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First Touch Detective 3 screenshots and details

Posted on May 29, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Screenshots

Touch Detective 3 is happening, and it has an incredibly peculiar subtitle: “Does Funghi Dream of Bananas?”

Mackenzie, Cromwell, and Funghi are all back for the series’ third entry. Touch Detective 3 also introduces Shiro. She’s a rival detective who is looking to become the best of the world. The dog-like companion “Kinako”, who follows Shiro around, is a professional detective assistant.

Touch Detective 3’s first screenshots show a style that is very reminiscent of the previous titles. You’ll be investigating and moving Mackenzie around with the touch screen. The game also includes a new map featuring a Banana Ice stand and an elephant slide. That’s the kind of weirdness you can expect in Touch Detective 3!


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