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Fractured Soul could end up on the eShop

Posted on March 8, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News

When we last heard about Fractured Soul 3D, the game was set to be released by Ignition early this year. Before this, though, developer Endgame Studios had completed a 2D platformer under the same name  (minus the “3D”) for the DS. Graffiti Entertainment intended to publish this version.

We’re now three months into 2012, and haven’t seen Fractured Soul 3D or the DS title. To clear up some confusion, Endgame co-founder Grant Davies took a few moments to discuss the status of both games.

Davies first commented on the DS version:

“We sold the distribution rights for that to N3V Games. Basically, what happened was, toward the end of the project when they were looking to place it with distributors, the DS market kind of fell down at that point — the 3DS was coming out. They had a bit of trouble placing it with distributors.”

N3V teamed up with Graffiti to distribute Fractured Soul for the DS, but it has remain unpublished. Unfortunately, there’s no much that Endgame can do as N3V owns the rights to the game.

The studio ultimately chose to remake the game with 3D visuals and settled on an agreement with Ignition. However, as Davies explains below, “they got to the point where they could no longer honor their contractual obligations”.

“With the 3DS, we got involved with a publisher on that one [Ignition], and they got to the point where they could no longer honor their contractual obligations to us.”

So where do things stand right now? Well, Endgame owns the rights to their own title, and are considering putting Fractured Soul on the eShop. If they pursue this path, Fractured Soul 3D could be split into two downloads on the 3DS’ store.

Davies said:

“Now it’s no publisher, and we have the rights, and we have a completed game, so that’s why we’re kind of thinking maybe eShop is the way forward.”


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