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Gamers will smile over NOA’s next title that they’re working on

Posted on September 15, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“The games that become localization projects are basically business decisions made after much discussion between NCL and NOA. Those decisions are extremely complicated and involve the input of many departments of both companies — the particulars must remain secret to disorient the very vocal champions of various neglected franchises…As far as what I’m working on now, that’s a secret too, but I’m pretty sure it’ll make you smile.” – Nate Bihldoff, Sr. Localization Manager

Personally, I get the feeling from this quote that the localization team is busy with something that has already been released in Japan. And, you know, a lot of things would make me smile. We’ve been waiting for games like Disaster, Another Code R, and Captain Rainbow (although the chances of that title ending up in North America are slim.) I’m chomping at the bit to find out what’s being worked on. It’d even be interesting if it was, somehow, an unannounced project.


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