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Giants Software believes Wii U has untapped potential

Posted on February 12, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Giants Software’s Marc Schwegler of Farming Simulator fame feels that the Wii U has a lot of untapped potential. Schwegler told NowGamer that if this potential is explored, Nintendo’s newest console “could be more popular than Wii”.

Schwegler said:

“I think it should do as well as the Wii, maybe even better. It’s difficult to say, it’s really depending on what games they will add that really use the extra device you get with it. There’s a lot of potential that’s not tapped yet, if it is and if it will be then I think it could be more popular than the Wii because it’s something more. Wii motion was okay, everybody copied it but it’s done, people are returning to regular controllers because it’s easier to play and you have much more options. A touch device, you could put a whole set of controls on there.”


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