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GoldenEye 007 for Wii VC, XBLA “long past the stage where an agreement was on the cards”

Posted on September 20, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Last year, there was a whole lot of news concerning GoldenEye for the Wii Virtual Console and Xbox Live Arcade. Initially, sources told EGM magazine that Nintendo and Microsoft were unable to reach an agreement when financial terms were being discussed. Then Rare spoke up and said that liscensing issues prevented the game’s re-release. Last but not least, an Activision source later ultimately placed blame on Nintendo as one of the reasons for the game never seeing the light of day.

Sadly, it doesn’t look like things will be changing any time soon. Rare addressed a bunch of topics in its most recent Scribes update and one reader question brought up was whether GoldenEye could launch on the Wii/360 and if an agreement can be reached. Rare’s response is below.

That was some time ago, my friend. Fate was against us that day. Destiny conspired to raise the hurdles even as we attempted to clear them, resulting in unpleasant groinal injury. I suspect we’re long past the stage where an agreement was on the cards, but you never know. Stranger things have happened… somewhere… probably.”

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