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Hand-drawn platforming adventure Boom Buster confirmed for Switch

Posted on September 1, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos

Boom Buster

Boom Buster recently took to Kickstarter, and in the final hour of the campaign, support for Switch was confirmed.

The game had already reached its funding goal at $50,000. It was unclear if there’d be a Switch port since that stood at a $70,000 stretch goal, but the campaign ended with just a little over that amount. Although the project likely won’t be completed until at least a couple of years for now, Nintendo fans can look forward to that in the future.

As for the game, Boom Buster is a hand-drawn platforming adventure. It’s inspired by the early 2000s – including the music, with classics like Jet Set Radio and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike named as just a couple that the team is keeping in mind.

Here’s some additional information:

An adrenaline rush is part of a balanced breakfast. Boom Buster is an action-packed, hand-drawn platforming adventure designed to keep you on your toes. Inspired by the early 2000s, its modern twists and turns create something new for everyone.

Blowin’ stuff up isn’t a hobby, but a lifestyle for Buster and his girlfriend, Bridget. Unfortunately, all the noise is preventing the Wizard from gettin’ any shuteye! Solution? Steal all their explosives from them, then act like nothing happened! Surely they won’t be on his tail… right? Embark on a wild journey to defeat the Wizard and take back what’s yours!

The gameplay is quite simple: Bridget will drop BOMs periodically. They’ll tick down, and if you don’t sort them in their color-coded container in enough time… BOOM! They’ll explode. Seems easy enough, right?


You’ll need to survive tricky platforming along with the Wizard’s minions to get to each BOM. Don’t get too used to the level’s layout however, as stages have 3 acts each expanding off a central gimmick. Things can get heated real fast as stages get progressively stressful.

We’ve attached a trailer for Boom Buster below.

Kickstarter Trailer

The Kickstarter campaign has since ended, but you can check out the page here for further information about the project.

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