Is this the official Zelda timeline?

There is some talk that the official Zelda timeline has been revealed inside the pages of Hyrule Historia.
This is how it goes, supposedly:
Skyward Sword
Minish Cap
Four Sword
Ocarina of Time (Split in to three time lines)
A: Where Hero of Time Fail
B: Where Hero of Time Wins (sent 7yr back)
C: Where Hero of Time Wins (present)
Link to the Past
Link Awaken
Zelda 1
Zelda 2 Link’s Adventure
Majora’s Mask
Twilight Princess
Four Sword +
Wind Waker
Spirit Tracks
It is possible that the timeline is covered in this book as it covers a great deal of Zelda information. Still, we know how hesitant Nintendo has been to share any information relating to the sequence of games. And if the timeline is discussed in Hyrule Historia, it isn’t clear if someone simply fabricated it.
It’d be great if we could receive a confirmation about this soon.
Thanks to Littsu for the tip!