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Iwata likes the idea of automatically pushing demos to 3DS and Wii U owners

Posted on July 7, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U

The only type of real demos we’ve seen on a Nintendo service thus far have come through the Wii Shop Channel. Unfortunately, the process of actually downloading content can be tedious and it doesn’t help that demos are automatically removed after a few weeks. On the bright side, it sounds like Satoru Iwata might be open to changing Nintendo’s demo methods in the future.

“…Additionally, when Nintendo would like to ask users to try a specific new game, we should deliver it to their Nintendo 3DS, and possibly Wii U, with their prior consent and recommend that they just try it and, if they like it, they can pay for it. In this way, we need to introduce users to unknown products. Consumers are likely to be convinced to pay about 5,000 yen for a well-established franchise product, but not all the people are willing to pay a certain amount of money for an innovative but unknown product. Now is the time to prepare for these situations. We would like to respond to some of the concerns surrounding our business in this manner.”

I could see this happening very easily on the 3DS and I imagine it could be easy to implement on Wii U. Demos for both retail and downloadable games are heading to the eShop later this year, but it would be great if there was an option to automatically receive demos. It’d probably be demos that Nintendo selects, but it could be an great feature.

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