Kid Icarus: Uprising available to preorder now (Europe)
The wait is over. Twenty-five years after the launch of the original Kid Icarus series for NES™, Pit is back in Kid Icarus: Uprising exclusively on Nintendo 3DS, available to preorder from, GameStop, and now!
From Friday 23rd March, Kid Icarus: Uprising will be available to buy on the high street via Argos, Asda, Blockbuster, Tesco, Dixons Stores Group, GameStop, HMV, Sainsbury’s, Smyths Toys, Toys R Us or online at Amazon, The Hut,,,,, and as well as most good games retailers.
Kid Icarus: Uprising begins with the return of the Queen of the Underworld, Medusa, and her Underworld Army. Pit, a heroic angel, with the help of Palutena, goddess of light and guardian of the human race, must combat the forces of darkness as he battles Medusa and her minions by air and by land.
In the latest Nintendo Direct, Mr Sakurai, the creative force behind the world famous Super Smash Brothers™ and Kirby™ series made an appearance to talk about his latest game Kid Icarus™: Uprising. He commented on one of the forthcoming 3-on-3 multiplayer battles, while using the unique difficulty system – the Fiend’s Cauldron – which rewards the gamers with stronger weapons, as well as on the innovative AR Card feature within the game. He also introduced the StreetPass™ functionality of Kid Icarus: Uprising, where players will have the ability to share one of their weapons with other Kid Icarus: Uprising owners. The selected weapon is turned into a Weapon Gem. Shared Weapon Gems can be converted into real weapons by paying Hearts. Players can also fuse Weapon Gems together by paying Hearts to create a more powerful Weapon.
Kid Icarus: Uprising will launch across Europe on 23rd March with 6 Kid Icarus AR cards included, but there are more to collect to boost your collection. The exclusive Kid Icarus AR cards will also be available through Club Nintendo. For 250 Stars you’ll be able to get 2 packs containing 6 AR cards each. Watch out for extremely rare cards hidden in certain packs. And to get the freshest news, make sure you follow the official Kid Icarus Twitter feed @KidIcarusUK
For the most recently released Kid Icarus: Uprising trailer, created by Mr Sakurai and the Sola Studio, please visit:
Source: Nintendo PR