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Kimishima – surprise fans with new ideas, mobile apps will feature famous characters, more

Posted on January 15, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Mobile, News, Switch

Tatsumi Kimishima, the new president of Nintendo, outlined his plans for 2016 in the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper. Dr. Serkan Toto was kind enough to share an overview.

Here are the key points:

– Wants to surprise fans with new ideas rather than building on old ones
– Nintendo will in 2016 release “details” on the NX
– Kimishima claims the expansion to smartphones and theme parks, but also to movies and TV anime (via character licensing) is progressing
– Believes it’s vital for Nintendo to experiment with new business models
– First smartphone app reconfirmed for launch in March
– Smartphone apps with Nintendo’s famous characters promised for 2016
– He wants to bring the company’s financials to a new level
– The plan is to bring profits to 100 billion yen ($855 million) in “several years”
– This would be 4 times of last year’s profit


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