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Kingdom Come: Deliverance gets first Switch screenshots

Posted on December 9, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Switch

Kingdom Come Deliverance Switch screens

First screenshots are available from the upcoming Switch version of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

The middle-ages adventure game was announced for Nintendo’s platform in June 2021, but promptly fell off the map. A listing for it then recently appeared on Amazon, indicating the port was alive and well. The team then made it official this week that the Switch version is coming next year.

More information about the game can be found in the following overview:

You’re Henry, the son of a blacksmith. Thrust into a raging civil war, you watch helplessly as invaders storm your village and slaughter your friends and family. Narrowly escaping the brutal attack, you grab your sword to fight back. Avenge the death of your parents and help repel the invading forces from your home.

The Royal Edition, available on both physical shelves and the Nintendo eShop, includes the complete game along with all DLCs – Treasures of the Past, From the Ashes, The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon, Band of Bastards, and A Woman’s Lot.

Bohemia, a region steeped in culture and strife, awaits your presence. With the death of Emperor Charles IV, chaos reigns, and Kingdom Come: Deliverance thrusts you into a world torn apart by war, corruption, and discord. Wenceslas, the naïve inheritor of the crown, faces a ruthless invasion by Sigismund the Red Fox. Kidnapped and without a ruler, Bohemia is left defenseless.

Caught in the maelstrom, you join Lord Radzig Kobyla’s resistance to fight for the future of Bohemia.

Key Features

  • Massive Realistic Open World: Explore medieval Bohemia and immerse yourself in its majestic castles, vast fields, and lush forests.
  • Non-Linear Story: Solve quests in multiple ways, facing the consequences of your decisions.
  • Challenging Combat: Engage in thrilling and merciless battles using distance, stealth, or melee. Choose your weapons and execute dozens of unique combos inspired by real-world sword fighting techniques.
  • Character Development: Improve skills, earn perks, and forge/upgrade your equipment.
  • Dynamic World: Your actions influence the world around you. From fighting and stealing to seducing, threatening, persuading, or bribing, every choice has an impact.
  • Historical Accuracy: Meet real historical characters and experience the genuine look and feel of medieval Bohemia.

View the screenshots from Kingdom Come: Deliverance on Switch below.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance is due out for Switch in early 2024.

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