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Konno, Reggie talk 3DS, 3D unlikely for next Nintendo console, more

Posted on March 29, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in GameCube, General Nintendo, News

Hideki Konno discussing Nintendo’s interest in 3D…

“[Playing games in 3-D] is something that we’ve been continually testing and working on at Nintendo. We’ve never actually stopped looking at 3-D as a viable product. And it just so happens that the technology in the marketplace now coincides with what we wanted to do. So actually, it was just very fortuitous timing.”

Hideki Konno on the Virtual Boy…

“When we launched Virtual Boy, we thought it would work. It’s trial and error. We made mistakes. And we build on mistakes.”

Konno on the GameCube being able to play games in 3D…

“It would have required consumers to buy a special LCD screen to attach to the GameCube to actually play. We didn’t think it was worth that investment for consumers, so it never came out.”

Reggie on the 3DS…

“This is an entertainment device; make no mistake. It’s not purely a gaming device.”

Reggie on the need for glasses-free 3D technology…

“I think at Nintendo, we realize that any sort of goggle-type 3-D technology was not going to work. In order to make 3-D technology viable with video games, we thought we needed to have glasses-free 3-D.”

Reggie mentioning that 3D isn’t likely for Nintendo’s next home console…

“Glasses-free is a big deal. We’ve not said publicly what the next thing for us will be in the home console space, but based on what we’ve learned on 3-D, likely, that won’t be it.”


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