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Kororinpa 2, Bomberman 2, “Hard Working People” to be revealed at Leipzig?

Posted on July 29, 2008 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii

Hudson recently sat down with PlanetNintendo to discuss a variety of topics, including Hudson’s plans for the future. Although the interview was translated, there seems to be news on some new projects from the company. Hudson’s Hiromi Tomisawa seemed to reveal that Bomberman 2 for the DS, Kororinpa 2, and a new project called “Hard Working People” – both for the Wii – will be shown off at this year’s Leipzig. Not too many details regarding “Hard Working People” were discussed, although the game is a new IP. The developmnent team working on “Hard Working People” are putting a lot of effort into the game and promise that the game will be fun.

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